Event (INOH pathway ontology)
Ontology: IEV
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/iev.owl
- OBO Foundry: Library
- Home: http://www.inoh.org
- Documentation: INOH Ontologies
- Help: INOH curators
- Description: A structured controlled vocabulary of pathway centric biological processes. This ontology is a INOH pathway annotation ontology, one of a set of ontologies intended to be used in pathway data annotation to ease data integration. This ontology is used to annotate biological processes, pathways, sub-pathways in the INOH pathway data.
INOH is part of the BioPAX working group.
- comment: version: 1.72
- date: 03:03:2011 12:59
- versionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/iev/releases/2020-04-14/iev.owl
- auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 1.002
- default-namespace: event
- has_obo_format_version: 1.0
- saved-by: sakainoriko2
Number of Terms (including imported terms) (Detailed Statistics)
- Class (3885)
- ObjectProperty (4)
- AnnotationProperty (17)
Number of SPARQL queries:8