C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology
Ontology: WBbt
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/wbbt.owl
- OBO Foundry: Library
- Download: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/wbbt.owl
- Home: https://github.com/obophenotype/c-elegans-gross-anatomy-ontology
- Documentation: None
- Contact: Raymond Lee
- Description: A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy of Caenorhabditis elegans.
- comment: $
- date: 19:10:2018 10:30
- description: Ontology about the gross anatomy of the C. elegans
- title: C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology
- versionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/wbbt/releases/2025-03-26/wbbt.owl
- auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 2.1-beta16
- default-namespace: worm_anatomy
- has ontology root term: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/WBbt_0000100
- has_obo_format_version: 1.2
- license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- saved-by: raymond
Number of Terms (including imported terms) (Detailed Statistics)
- Class (7573)
- ObjectProperty (120)
- AnnotationProperty (68)
- Instance (9)
Top level terms and selected core terms
- ABplppppapa nucleus
- ABplppppapp nucleus
- accessory cell
- arcade ring
- C. elegans Cell and Anatomy Ontology
- cloacal muscle
- ganglion
- gubernaculum
- hypodermis
- M.dlpa nucleus
- M.drpa nucleus
- M.vlpaa nucleus
- M.vrpaa nucleus
- muscle of the reproductive system
- P10.aap nucleus
- P10.p nucleus
- P11.aap nucleus
- P11.p nucleus
- P3.aap nucleus
- P3.p nucleus
- P4.aap nucleus
- P4.p nucleus
- P5.aap nucleus
- P5.p nucleus
- P6.aap nucleus
- P6.p nucleus
- P7.aap nucleus
- P7.p nucleus
- P8.aap nucleus
- P8.p nucleus
- P9.aap nucleus
- pharyngeal cell
- pharyngeal segment
- rectal epithelium
- rectal muscle
- TL.apap nucleus
- TL.appa nucleus
- TR.apap nucleus
- TR.appa nucleus
- V5L.pppa nucleus
- V5L.ppppp nucleus
- V5R.pppa nucleus
- V5R.ppppp nucleus
- V6L.papa nucleus
- V6L.pappp nucleus
- V6L.pppa nucleus
- V6L.ppppa nucleus
- V6L.ppppp nucleus
- V6R.papa nucleus
- V6R.pappp nucleus
- V6R.pppa nucleus
- V6R.ppppa nucleus
- V6R.ppppp nucleus
- vas deferens valve region
- Y nucleus
- Z1.a nucleus
- Z1.paa nucleus
- Z1.papaaa nucleus
- Z1.papaap nucleus
- Z1.papapa nucleus
- Z1.papapp nucleus
- Z1.pappa nucleus
- Z1.pappp nucleus
- Z1.ppa nucleus
- Z1.ppp nucleus
- Z4.aaa nucleus
- Z4.aap nucleus
- Z4.apaaaa nucleus
- Z4.apaaap nucleus
- Z4.apaap nucleus
- Z4.apap nucleus
- Z4.appaap nucleus
- Z4.appap nucleus
Number of SPARQL queries:8