549 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 549 Records | Page: 1 of 11, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- GS1 Global Product Classification (GPC)
- Gabes Governorate
- Gable Ditch
- Gable Reef, 19-140
- Gaborone
- Gaffney
- Gafsa Governorate
- Gaga'emauga District
- Gagaifomauga District
- Gainesville
- Galapagos Province
- Galati County
- Galatsi
- Galesburg
- Galguduud Region
- Galicia Autonomous Community
- Gallon Reef, 12-016a
- Gallup
- Galveston
- Gambela Peoples Region
- Gandadjika
- Gandhinagar
- Gangtok
- Gangwon Province
- Ganja-Qazakh Economic Region
- Gannett Reef, 21-556
- Ganondagan State Historic Site
- Gansu Province
- Gao Region
- Garaet el Marhsel
- Garancahua Creek
- Garcia River
- Garcitas Creek
- Gargoyle Reef, 19-180
- Garibaldi River
- Gariep Dam
- Garissa
- Garni
- Garonne
- Garrity Creek
- Garwood Valley
- Gary
- Garyvard
- Gash-Barka Region
- Gater Reef, 22-130
- Gatesville
- Gatineau
- Gatton
- Gauteng Province