Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
117 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 117 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- DEA identifier
- DNA biomarker
- DNA sequencer
- Dakota
- December
- Deering
- Delaware
- Deleware Indian
- Deuterostomia
- Diastolic Blood Pressure
- Diegueno
- Digger
- Dillingham
- Dine
- Dipnotetrapodomorpha
- Dominica Islander
- Dominican
- Dot Lake
- Douglas
- Doyon
- Dresslerville
- Drowsiness
- Dry Creek
- Duck Valley
- Duckwater
- Duwamish
- Dyspnea
- data about an ontology part
- data item
- data set
- date of first test
- date of hospital admission
- date of hospital discharge
- date of registration
- date of second test
- date of specimen collection
- date of surgical removal of specimen
- date of test
- datum label
- day of birth
- day of week
- days of drug supply
- death AE
- death diagnosis
- death diagnosis status
- death neonatal AE
- death stage
- declaration
- declaration performer role
- declined to answer to question