Space Life Sciences Ontology
230 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 230 Records | Page: 1 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- C-12 ion radiation
- CARO_0000000
- CARO_0001010
- CL_0000000
- Car
- Car
- Carbon-12 nucleus
- Catalog
- Catalog Record
- Catalogued resource
- Catarrhini
- Cell
- Child
- Chordata
- Colleague
- CompleteDataFeed
- Concept
- Conjunto de datos
- Contact
- Coresident
- Coworker
- Craniata <chordates>
- Crush
- cable
- cable based unit
- californium
- campaign
- cancer study
- candela
- candela based unit
- candela per square meter
- candela per square meter based unit
- canopy
- carbamate
- carbamic acid
- carbamoyl group
- carboacyl group
- carbon atom
- carbon dioxide
- carbon dioxide ice
- carbon group element atom
- carbon group molecular entity
- carbon oxide
- carbon oxoacid
- carbonyl compound
- carbonyl group
- carboxamide
- carboxy group
- carboxylic acid