Hypertension Ontology
Ontology: HTN
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/htn.owl
- OBO Foundry: Library
- Download: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/htn.owl
- Home: https://github.com/aellenhicks/htn_owl
- Documentation: None
- Contact: Amanda Hicks
- Description: An ontology for representing clinical data about hypertension, intended to support classification of patients according to various diagnostic guidelines
- Creator: Chris Stoeckert; Amanda Hicks; Mark A. Miller; Danielle Mowery
- Title: Hypertension Ontology For Clinical Data
- creation_date: 2019-05-20
Number of Terms (including imported terms) (Detailed Statistics)
- Class (603)
- ObjectProperty (263)
- DatatypeProperty (4)
- AnnotationProperty (157)
Number of SPARQL queries:8