Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology
Ontology: ONTONEO
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ontoneo.owl
- OBO Foundry: Library
- Download: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ontoneo.owl
- Home: ontoneo.com
- Documentation: None
- Contact: Fernanda Farinelli
- Help: http://groups.google.com/group/ontoneo-discuss
- Description: The Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology is a structured controlled vocabulary to provide a representation of the data from electronic health records (EHRs) involved in the care of the pregnant woman, and of her baby.
- comment: PERSON: Fernanda Farinelli Ontoneo is a ontology that the development is in progress, then take in mind for while the stability of URIs and labels. We are sure that the upper level ontology used is BFO version 2 and that we are priorize the reuse of terms find on OBO Foundry ontologies.
- comment: IDs allocated to individuals: ONTONEO_90000000 - ONTONEO_99999999
- comment: PERSON: Fernanda Farinelli The default language of this ontology is English mainly because the reusable ontologies are conceived in English. However, this ontology intends to be bilingual in order to attend the necessities of Brazilian issues. Then, every relevant term we defined in Portuguese (Brazilian portuguese) using the tag xml:lang="pt" the follow annotations: label, definition, alternative term.
- comment: OntoNeo, is developed by Fernanda Farinelli and her contributor group is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
- comment: PERSON: Fernanda Farinelli OntONeo development prioritizes the reuse of classes and entities from FMA ontology to deal with human anatomy approaches. Every class reference of others ontology for the anatomy domain, for example, UBERON and CARO, in which has the cross-reference annotation to some FMA class are replaced by the FMA class referred.
- contributor: Barry Smith, Fernanda Farinelli, Mauricio B. de Almeida, Peter L. Elkin, Zilma Silveira Nogueira Reis, Amanda Damasceno de Souza
- creator: Fernanda Farinelli
- versionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ontoneo/releases/2021-04-29/ontoneo.owl
- versionInfo: 2021-04-29T00:00:00
- versionInfo: v1.6
- Source: ISBN:9780262527811 - Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology. By Robert Arp, Barry Smith and Andrew D. Spear; https://github.com/ontoneo-project/Ontoneo; Woman’s Health Record Model from The American Congress of Obstetrician and Gynecologists (acog.org).
- defaultLanguage: en
- homepage: https://ontoneo.com/
- label: A Ontologia do Domínio Obstétrico e Neonatal; The Ontology of Obstetric and Neonatal domain
- license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- mbox: ontoneoontology@gmail.com
- priorVersion: 2021-02-21T00:00:00
Number of Terms (including imported terms) (Detailed Statistics)
- Class (1796)
- ObjectProperty (443)
- DatatypeProperty (8)
- AnnotationProperty (169)
- Instance (17)
Number of SPARQL queries:8