Alzheimer's Disease Ontology
45 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 45 of 45 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Creator
- Date
- Description
- ICD-9-CM
- Library of Congress Classification
- Library of Congress Subject Headings
- MeSH Descriptor ID
- Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities ID
- NCI Thesaurus ID
- SNOMED CT Identifier
- alternate name
- alternative_term
- charge
- conformsTo
- contributor
- contributor
- created_by
- creation_date
- def
- definition
- definition_editor
- depicted by
- different from
- formula
- hasDbXref
- hasOBONamespace
- id
- identifier
- in minimal requirement ONS subset
- in subset of ONS
- inchi
- inchikey
- is referenced by
- is_metadata_tag
- license
- mass
- monoisotopicmass
- relation
- relation
- see also
- shorthand
- smiles
- title
- treeView