Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system (AISM)
127 terms(s) returned
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- palpifer
- palpifero-palpal conjunctiva
- palpiger
- palpigero-palpal conjunctiva
- paraglossa
- paramere
- parameres
- paramero-aedeagal conjunctiva
- paraphyses
- paraproct
- pedicellar-first flagellomeral conjunctiva
- pedicellus
- phallobasal-parameral conjunctiva
- phallobase
- phragma
- placoid sensillum
- pleural membrane
- pleural ridge
- pleural wing process
- pleurite
- pleuro-coxal muscle
- pleuron
- pleurostomal ridge
- pore canal
- postabdomen
- postalar bridge
- postclypeus
- postcubital vein of the insect wing
- posterior mesothoracic foramen
- posterior metathoracic foramen
- posterior prothoracic foramen
- posterior tentorial arm
- posterior tentorial pit
- posterior tentorio-scapal muscle
- posterior tentorio-stipital muscle
- postero-distal margin
- posteroexternal cranio-mandibular muscle
- postgena
- postgenal bridge
- postmentum
- postnotum
- postoccipital phragma
- postoccipital ridge
- postoccipital sulcus
- postoccipitoglossal muscle
- postoccipitopremental muscle
- postocciput
- poststernite
- preabdomen
- prealar bridge