Apollo Structured Vocabulary
2138 terms(s) returned
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- specifically dependent continuant
- specifically depends on at some time
- specificity of case detection
- specificity of treatment detection
- spotted fever group
- square meter
- square mile
- ssRNA negative-strand virus
- ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage
- ssRNA virus
- standard deviation
- starts
- starts with
- statistical analysis section
- statistical analysis textual entity
- statistical confidence
- structure
- student role
- study bias section
- study design
- study design execution
- study group population size
- study limitations section
- study limitations textual entity
- subcontinental land mass
- subject
- subnational entity
- subset ontology module
- supplementary material to a document
- supranational entity
- susceptibility
- susceptibility
- susceptibility measurement datum
- susceptible organism
- susceptible population
- symbiosis
- symbol
- synthetic ecosystem constructor
- synthetic ecosystem data set
- systematic review study design
- table
- table of abbreviations
- table of contents
- table of figures
- tables section
- target population
- target population definition
- target populations and prioritizations information
- taxonomic bridge ontology module
- taxonomy identifier