Apollo Structured Vocabulary
2138 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 2001 to 2050 of 2138 Records | Page: 41 of 43, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- temperature
- temperature of air
- temperature of environmental material
- template generated ontology module
- temporal Bayesian network
- temporal interpretation
- temporal part of
- temporal region
- temporal relation
- temporal trigger definition
- term editor
- term imported
- term replaced by
- term split
- term tracker item
- terms merged
- textual entity
- three dimensional cartesian spatial coordinate datum
- three-dimensional spatial region
- tick-borne encephalitis virus group
- time between vector bites
- time delay of treatment detection
- time delay to case detection
- time measurement datum
- time sampled measurement data set
- time scale name
- time series design
- time since time scale zero
- time stamped measurement datum
- time step identifying numeral
- time trigger
- time unit
- tissue
- title
- title
- to be replaced with external ontology term
- topObjectProperty
- total disease cases
- total fatal disease cases
- transient agonism
- transmission coefficient
- transmission probability
- transmission process
- transmission rate of pathogen to human from Wolbachia-infected mosquito bites
- transmission tree
- travel recommendation control strategy
- travel restriction control strategy
- travel-related infectious disease control strategy
- treatment
- treatment administration capacity schedule