Antibiotic Resistance Ontology
184 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 184 of 184 Records | Page: 4 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- gepotidacin
- gimA
- gimA family macrolide glycosyltransferase
- glycopeptide antibiotic
- glycopeptide biosynthesis
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanA
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanB
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanC
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanD
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanE
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanF
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanG
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanI
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanL
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanM
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanN
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster VanO
- glycopeptide resistance gene cluster vanP
- glycosylation of antibiotic conferring resistance
- glycylcycline
- golS
- gradient plate method
- gram stain
- gramicidin
- gramicidin A
- gramicidin B
- gramicidin C
- gramicidin D
- gramicidin S
- greater than standard inoculum
- grepafloxacin
- griseoviridin
- growth medium