BioAssay Ontology
260 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 260 Records | Page: 2 of 6, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- radical scavenger
- radiculopathy
- radioactive imaging agent
- radioactive label
- radioactive tracer
- radioimmunoassay
- radiolabeled
- radioligand binding assay
- radioligand binding method
- radiometry method
- radioopaque medium
- radiopharmaceutical
- radiosensitizing agent
- radioulnar synostosis
- raising agent
- random conformational search
- randomized block design
- rapadilino syndrome
- rapid overlay of chemical structures
- rat metabolite
- rate
- ratio
- ratio
- ratio endpoint
- rauwolscine
- raw activity
- raw data
- reaction intermediate
- reactive arthritis
- reactive oxygen species generator
- readOnly
- reading disorder
- reagent
- real-time PCR
- reason_for_obsolescence
- receptor
- receptor based pharmacophore search
- receptor induction assay
- receptor internalization assay
- receptor modulator
- receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT
- recombinant CYP reaction phenotyping
- recombinant UGT reaction phenotyping
- recombinant esterases
- recombinant expression
- recombinant virus transduction method
- recombinantly expressed in
- reconstitution method
- rectal benign neoplasm
- rectal disease