BioAssay Ontology
260 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 200 of 260 Records | Page: 4 of 6, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- repetition throughput
- reporter gene
- reporter gene assay
- reporter gene method
- reporter protein
- reports
- reports assay measurment value
- reproductive control drug
- reproductive organ benign neoplasm
- reproductive organ cancer
- reproductive system disease
- resazurin reduction assay
- rescue treatment
- research institute
- researcher
- researcher role
- residence time
- resonant waveguide grating
- resorufin
- respiratory allergy
- respiratory failure
- respiratory syncytial virus infectious disease
- respiratory system benign neoplasm
- respiratory system cancer
- respiratory system disease
- respiratory-chain inhibitor
- response endpoint
- response to drug
- response to hypoxia
- response to reactive oxygen species
- response to stress
- restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock
- restriction enzyme-based method
- restrictive cardiomyopathy
- result
- reticular dysgenesis
- reticulosarcoma
- retinal artery occlusion
- retinal cancer
- retinal cell cancer
- retinal degeneration
- retinal detachment
- retinal disease
- retinal drusen
- retinal edema
- retinal perforation
- retinal telangiectasia
- retinal vascular disease
- retinal vascular occlusion
- retinal vein occlusion