Common Anatomy Reference Ontology
121 terms(s) returned
Term Type: AnnotationProperty | Record: 51 to 100 of 121 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- date
- default-namespace
- definition
- deprecated
- description
- editor note
- example of usage
- expand expression to
- formula
- gocheck_do_not_annotate
- gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
- goslim_agr
- goslim_candida
- goslim_chembl
- goslim_drosophila
- goslim_flybase_ribbon
- goslim_generic
- goslim_metagenomics
- goslim_mouse
- goslim_pir
- goslim_plant
- goslim_pombe
- goslim_synapse
- goslim_yeast
- has_alternative_id
- has_broad_synonym
- has_exact_synonym
- has_narrow_synonym
- has_obo_format_version
- has_obo_namespace
- has_related_synonym
- has_scope
- has_synonym_type
- id
- in_subset
- inchi
- inchikey
- is a defining property chain axiom
- is a defining property chain axiom where second argument is reflexive
- isRuleEnabled
- is_metadata_tag
- label
- license
- license
- mass
- monoisotopicmass
- mpath_slim
- olfactory_system_draft
- plus
- prokaryote_subset