Common Coordinate Framework (CCF) Ontology (slim version)
317 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 201 to 250 of 317 Records | Page: 5 of 7, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- fibular notch of tibia
- fibular trochlea of calcaneus
- fifth cervical dorsal root ganglion
- fifth lumbar dorsal root ganglion
- fifth lumbar spinal cord segment
- fifth lumbar spinal cord segment
- fifth sacral spinal cord segment
- fifth thoracic dorsal root ganglion
- fifth thoracic spinal cord segment
- fifth thoracic spinal cord segment
- file format
- file name
- file subpath
- file url
- fimbria of left uterine tube
- fimbria of right uterine tube
- fimbria of uterine tube
- first cervical dorsal root ganglion
- first common plantar digital artery
- first lumbar dorsal root ganglion
- first lumbar spinal cord segment
- first lumbar spinal cord segment
- first palmar metacarpal artery
- first posterior perforating branch of plantar arch
- first sacral dorsal root ganglion
- first sacral spinal cord segment
- first sacral spinal cord segment
- first thoracic dorsal root ganglion
- first thoracic spinal cord segment
- first thoracic spinal cord segment
- five cm disc markers
- five cm disc markers
- flat bone
- flat midget bipolar cell
- flattened cuboidal ovarian surface epithelial cell
- flexor carpi radialis muscle
- flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
- flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle
- flexor digitorum brevis muscle
- flexor digitorum profundus
- flexor digitorum superficialis
- flexor hallucis brevis muscle
- flexor hallucis longus
- flexor muscle
- flexor pollicis brevis muscle
- flexor pollicis longus muscle
- floating villus
- fluid of fallopian tube ampulla
- fluid of fallopian tube fimbria
- fluid of fallopian tube infundibulum