Common Coordinate Framework (CCF) Ontology (slim version)
205 terms(s) returned
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- Optic nerve
- Ora serrata
- Orbital branch of maxillary nerve
- Orbital branch of maxillary nerve to ethmoidal sinus
- Orbital branch of maxillary nerve to orbitalis
- Orbital branch of maxillary nerve to sphenoidal sinus
- Orbital part of orbicularis oculi
- Orbital surface of frontal bone
- Organ
- Organ component
- Organ component layer
- Organ component of eyeball
- Organ component of lymphatic tree organ
- Organ region
- Organ segment
- Organ zone
- Ovarian artery
- Ovarian vein
- Ovary
- oblique extraocular muscle
- oblique vein of left atrium
- oblique vein of left atrium
- obsolete distal-most point of medial condyle of femur
- obturator artery
- obturator foramen of os coxa
- obturator groove of pubis of os coxa
- obturator vein
- occipital artery
- occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle
- occipital bone
- occipital condyle of basilar part of occipital bone
- occipital fusiform gyrus
- occipital fusiform gyrus
- occipital fusiform gyrus
- occipital fusiform gyrus
- occipital fusiform gyrus
- occipital lobe
- occipital pole
- occipital pole
- occipital pole
- occipital pole
- occipital pole
- occipitofrontalis muscle
- occipitoparietal transition region
- occipitotemporal (fusiform) gyrus, occipital part
- occipitotemporal transition region
- ocular angle artery
- oculomotor muscle
- oculomotor nerve
- oculomotor nuclear complex