CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology
5402 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 5351 to 5400 of 5402 Records | Page: 108 of 109, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- astrocytosis
- asymmetric rib attachment
- asymmetric rib-sternum attachment
- asymmetric rib-vertebral column attachment
- asymmetric snout
- asymmetrical orbits
- ataxia
- atelectasis
- atherosclerotic lesions
- athetotic walking movements
- athymia
- athyroidism
- atmospheric carbon dioxide
- atmospheric ozone
- atmospheric water vapour
- atretic vasculature
- atrial endocarditis
- atrial fibrillation
- atrial septal aneurysm
- atrial septal defect
- atrial situs inversus
- atrial thrombosis
- atrioventricular block
- atrioventricular node hypoplasia
- atrioventricular septal defect
- atrioventricular valve regurgitation
- atrium cysts
- atrium hypoplasia
- atrium myocardium hypoplasia
- audiogenic seizures
- auto-generated-by
- autoimmune response
- autoinducer
- autopod closed contusion
- autopod open abrasion
- autopod open avulsion
- autopod open incision
- autopod open laceration
- autopod open puncture
- autopod wound
- auxin
- avalanche
- aversion to addictive substance
- avicide
- avnosmia
- axial mesoderm hypoplasia
- axial skeleton hypoplasia
- axin stabilizer
- axon degeneration
- axonal dystrophy