CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology
141 terms(s) returned
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- facial cleft
- failure of Mullerian duct regression
- failure of adrenal epinephrine secretion
- failure of atrioventricular cushion closure
- failure of blastocyst formation
- failure of blastocyst to hatch from the zona pellucida
- failure of bone ossification
- failure of chorioallantoic fusion
- failure of conotruncal ridge closure
- failure of ejaculation
- failure of embryo implantation
- failure of endochondral bone ossification
- failure of eyelid fusion
- failure of head fold formation
- failure of heart looping
- failure of initiation of embryo turning
- failure of intramembranous bone ossification
- failure of mammary gland growth during pregnancy
- failure of morula compaction
- failure of myelopoiesis
- failure of neuromuscular synapse postsynaptic differentiation
- failure of neuromuscular synapse presynaptic differentiation
- failure of palatal shelf elevation
- failure of primitive streak formation
- failure of secondary bone resorption
- failure of somite differentiation
- failure of sternum ossification
- failure of tooth eruption
- failure of vascular branching
- failure of ventral body wall closure
- failure of zygotic cell division
- failure to form blastocele
- failure to form egg cylinders
- failure to gastrulate
- farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase inhibitor
- fast REM
- fast extinction of fear memory
- fat-soluble vitamin
- fatigue
- fatty acid biosynthetic process
- fatty acid derivative binding
- fatty acid metabolic process
- fatty acid synthase inhibitor
- fatty acid synthesis inhibitor
- febrile seizures
- fecal incontinence
- female contraceptive drug
- female infertility
- female preputial gland hypoplasia
- female pseudohermaphroditism