Chemical Methods Ontology
149 terms(s) returned
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- high-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum
- high-resolution mass spectrometry
- high-resolution scanning electron micrograph
- high-resolution soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
- high-resolution transmission electron micrograph
- high-resolution transmission electron microscope
- high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
- high-speed ball milling
- high-speed centrifugation
- high-speed chrono-amperometry
- high-target-utilization sputter deposition
- high-temperature X-ray diffraction
- high-temperature ultrasonic velocimetry
- high-vacuum sublimation
- high-voltage transmission electron microscopy
- higher-order Raman spectral excitation spectroscopy
- hole-burning spectroscopy
- hollow fibre liquid-phase micro-extraction
- hollow-cathode atomic emission spectroscopy
- holographic laser trapping
- holographic optical tweezers
- holography
- homodyne detection
- homoepitaxy
- homogenisation
- homonuclear three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- hot extrusion
- hot isostatic pressing
- hot wire chemical vapour deposition
- hybrid physical–chemical vapour deposition
- hydrazine treatment
- hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy
- hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
- hydride generation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
- hydride vapour-phase epitaxy
- hydrodynamic voltammetry
- hydrodynamic voltammogram
- hydrogen arc-discharge method
- hydrogen atmosphere
- hydrogen gas electrode
- hydrogenator
- hydrophilic interaction chromatography
- hydrostatic extrusion
- hydrothermal synthesis
- hydroxy acid-modified metal oxide chromatography
- hyper Raman spectroscopy
- hyper Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy
- hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy
- hyperfine sublevel correlation spectrum