Chemical Methods Ontology
155 terms(s) returned
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- inelastic neutron scattering
- inelastic tunnelling spectrum
- inertial droplet dispensing
- infiltration
- information content entity
- infrared absorption spectroscopy
- infrared dichroism spectroscopy
- infrared emission spectroscopy
- infrared evanescent wave spectroscopy
- infrared fluorescence microscopy
- infrared map
- infrared microscope
- infrared microscopy
- infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy
- infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy
- infrared reflectance spectroscopy
- infrared scanning near-field optical microscopy
- infrared scattering near-field optical microscopy
- infrared spectrometer
- infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
- infrared spectrum
- infrared thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering
- infrared transmission spectroscopy
- infrared–visible sum-frequency generation spectroscopy
- inhalation of poisonous fumes
- inheres_in
- injection moulding
- injury by flying debris
- insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarisation transfer
- intensity-modulated photocurrent spectroscopy
- intensity-modulated photovoltage spectroscopy
- interference lithography
- interferometric Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy
- interferometry
- interrogating electrode
- intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy
- inverse gas chromatography
- inverse photoelectron spectroscopy
- inverse satellite transition magic angle spinning
- inversion recovery
- inversion recovery total correlation spectroscopy
- inverted microscope
- ion amperometry
- ion beam patterning
- ion beam-induced deposition
- ion chromatogram
- ion chromatography
- ion cyclotron resonance cell
- ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
- ion detector