Chemical Methods Ontology
178 terms(s) returned
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- MES buffer
- MOPS buffer
- Malcolm Levitt pulse sequence
- Mansfield, Rhim, Elleman, Vaughn pulse sequence
- Mossbauer spectroscopy
- Mossbauer spectrum
- magic angle spinning
- magic angle spinning decoupling pulse sequence
- magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum
- magic sandwich high-order truncation pulse sequence
- magic-angle spinning quadrupolar Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill spectrum
- magnesium K-alpha source
- magnetic bead extraction
- magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
- magnetic circular dichroism spectrum
- magnetic contrast neutron reflectometry
- magnetic field-flow fractionation
- magnetic force microscopy
- magnetic resonance force microscopy
- magnetic resonance method
- magnetic sector
- magnetic sector mass spectrometer
- magnetic spin-echo small angle neutron scattering
- magnetic stirring
- magnetic trapping
- magnetic tweezers
- magneto optical Kerr effect spectroscopy
- magneto-optic generalised ellipsometry
- magneto-optical rotatory dispersion
- magnetometer
- magnetometry
- magnetophoresis
- magnetron
- magnetron sputter deposition
- mass concentration
- mass detection
- mass spectrometer
- mass spectrometry
- mass spectrometry of recoiled ions
- mass spectrum
- mass-to-charge analyser
- material acquisition
- material component separation
- material disposal
- material entity
- material handling technique
- material maintenance
- material processing
- matrix