Chemical Methods Ontology
249 terms(s) returned
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- PIPES buffer
- PNGase A digestion
- PNGase F digestion
- Pickering emulsion method
- pH glass electrode
- pH measurement
- pH sensor
- pH-induced gelation
- packed column
- paired emitter–detector diode detection
- paper chromatography
- paper spray mass spectrometry
- para-hydrogen induced polarisation enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- parallel ICP-MS and EI-MS detection after GC separation
- parallel reaction monitoring
- paramagnetic relaxation enhancement
- paramagnetic signals enhancement
- partial sample digestion
- partial-yield spectroscopy
- participates in at some time
- particle beam mass spectrometry
- particle-beam lithography
- particle-beam/hollow-cathode atomic emission spectroscopy
- particle-image velocimetry
- particle-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy
- particle-induced gamma-ray emission spectroscopy
- particle-tracking velocimetry
- particles from gas-saturated solutions
- partition chromatography
- passivation
- passive sampling
- patch-clamp amplifier
- patterning
- patterning by etching at the nanoscale
- pendant-drop tensiometry
- penetration of personal protective equipment
- peptisation
- percentage diastereomeric excess
- percentage enantiomer excess
- percentage yield
- personal protective equipment
- pervaporation
- phase alternated rotation of magnetisation
- phase atomic force micrograph
- phase contrast microscopy
- phase cycle
- phase inversion technique
- phase profilometry
- phase-contrast velocimetry
- phosphate buffer