Chemical Methods Ontology
32 terms(s) returned
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- Walden plot
- Waugh, Huber, Haeberlin pulse sequence
- Wollaston wire
- wall-coated open-tubular column
- warm extrusion
- washing
- waste management
- water elimination Fourier transform
- water suppression through gradient tailored excitation
- water:chloroform 2:1 extraction
- water:methanol:chloroform 1:3:1 extraction
- wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
- weak anion-exchange column
- weak cation-exchange column
- weak-anion-exchange chromatography
- weak-beam dark-field electron microscopy
- weak-beam dark-field transmission electron micrograph
- weak-beam dark-field transmission electron microscopy
- weak-cation-exchange chromatography
- weighing
- wet digestion
- wet etching
- wet grinding
- wet spinning
- wide angle neutron scattering
- wide-angle X-ray diffraction
- wide-angle X-ray scattering
- wide-angle powder X-ray diffraction
- wideband alternating-phase low-power technique for zero residual splitting
- wideband, uniform rate and smooth truncation pulse
- wire electrical explosion method
- working range