Collembola Anatomy Ontology
154 terms(s) returned
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- p3 complex
- palp
- papilla
- papillae row
- parafurcular lobe
- paraglossa of embryo
- parallel nerve
- parietal
- parietal area
- pars intercebralis
- part_of
- peduncle
- periproct
- peritrophic membrane
- pharyngeal dilator muscle
- pharyngeal muscle
- pharynx
- photoreceptor cell
- phragma
- phragma I
- phragma II
- phragma III
- phragma IV
- phragma V
- phragma VI
- phragma VII
- phragma VIII
- pigment
- pigment cell
- pinnate muscle
- pit
- plate
- pleural fold
- pleurite
- pleuro-metafurcalis muscle
- pleuro-pleuralis muscle
- pleuron
- plica oralis
- plurichaetosis
- polysaccharide
- portion of tissue
- post-clypeus
- postantennal chaeta
- postantennal nerve
- postantennal organ
- postantennal organ lobe
- posterior antecosta-endosternal muscle
- posterior antecosta-mesofurcal muscle
- posterior antecosta-metafurcalis muscle
- posterior bothriotrichal complex