Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology
274 terms(s) returned
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- medusa tentacle ectoderm
- medusa tentacle endoderm
- medusa tentacle nematocyte
- medusa tentacle system
- mesoglea
- metamorphosing planula
- metamorphosis period
- mid blastula
- mid blastula stage
- mid gastrula
- mid gastrula stage
- mid medusa bud
- mid medusa bud stage
- mouth
- multicellular organism
- nematoblast
- nematocyte
- nematogenic ectoderm of the bulb
- nerve cell of the circular canal
- nerve cell of the radial canal
- nerve cell of the tentacle bulb
- nerve cells of the gonad ectoderm
- nerve ring
- neural cell
- non-budding gonozoid stage
- non-nematogenic ectoderm of the bulb
- one cell stage
- oocyte
- oocyte growth period
- oocyte meiotic maturation
- oogenesis period
- oogonium
- oral gastrula ingressing cells
- oral gastrula outer layer
- oral planula ectoderm
- oral planula endoderm
- oral pole blastomeres
- oral pole of blastula
- oral pole of embryo
- oral pole of gastrula
- oral pole of planula larva
- oral territory
- organism subdivision
- outer nerve ring
- outerlater of the velum
- part of
- planula P1
- planula P1 stage
- planula P2
- planula P2 stage