Clinical measurement ontology
62 terms(s) returned
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- Darcy permeability
- daily sperm count
- daily sperm count to epididymis weight ratio
- database_cross_reference
- date
- debris zone thickness
- decrease in blood ethanol level to body weight ratio per unit time
- default-namespace
- defecation measurement
- defecation rate
- defecation rate by count
- defecation rate by mass
- defensive burying duration
- defensive burying measurement
- definition
- deprecated
- dermis ribonucleic acid level
- developed blood pressure
- diabetes mellitus incidence/prevalence measurement
- diabetes mellitus onset/diagnosis measurement
- diaphragm ribonucleic acid composition measurement
- diaphragm weight
- diastolic blood pressure
- diastolic blood pressure variability
- diencephalon ribonucleic acid composition measurement
- difference between time of physical contact/close proximity of test subject and social stimulus during sample phase and test phase
- disease incidence/prevalence measurement
- disease onset/diagnosis measurement
- disease population measurement
- disease process measurement
- disease progression measurement
- disease severity measurement
- distal forelimb circumference
- distal gut ribonucleic acid composition measurement
- distal hind limb circumference
- distance moved per unit of time into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus
- distance run on treadmill
- dopaminergic neuron count
- dorsal root ganglion ribonucleic acid level
- dorsal thalamus ribonucleic acid composition measurement
- dose of irradiation that is fatal to 50% of the total study population
- dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value
- dose of whole thorax lung irradiation at which breathing rate increases for 50% of the total study population
- dose of whole thorax lung irradiation that causes 50% of the total study population to have lung dysfunction
- drink calorie intake level to body weight ratio
- drink calorie intake level to change in body weight ratio
- drink calorie intake measurement
- drink calorie intake rate
- drink intake duration
- drink intake measurement