Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy
30 terms(s) returned
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- sentinel cell
- slime trail
- sorus
- sorus of the fruiting body
- sorus of the late culminant
- spore
- spore coat
- stalk
- stalk cell
- stalk of the fruiting body
- stalk of the late culminant
- stalk of the mid culminant
- stalk tube
- stalk tube of the early culminant
- stalk tube of the fruiting body
- stalk tube of the late culminant
- stalk tube of the mid culminant
- standing slug
- stream
- subdivision
- surface sheath
- surface sheath of the early culminant
- surface sheath of the fruiting body
- surface sheath of the late culminant
- surface sheath of the loose aggregate
- surface sheath of the mid culminant
- surface sheath of the migratory slug
- surface sheath of the mound
- surface sheath of the standing slug
- surface sheath of the tipped mound