Human Disease Ontology
2120 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 150 of 2120 Records | Page: 3 of 43, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Abnormal heart morphology
- Abnormal heart valve physiology
- Abnormal hindbrain morphology
- Abnormal homeostasis
- Abnormal immune system morphology
- Abnormal inflammatory response
- Abnormal internal genitalia
- Abnormal intestine morphology
- Abnormal involuntary eye movements
- Abnormal jaw morphology
- Abnormal joint morphology
- Abnormal joint physiology
- Abnormal knee morphology
- Abnormal language feature
- Abnormal large intestine physiology
- Abnormal lens morphology
- Abnormal leukocyte count
- Abnormal leukocyte morphology
- Abnormal leukocyte physiology
- Abnormal limb bone morphology
- Abnormal lip morphology
- Abnormal liver metabolite concentration
- Abnormal liver morphology
- Abnormal localization of kidney
- Abnormal long bone morphology
- Abnormal lower limb bone morphology
- Abnormal lung morphology
- Abnormal lymphocyte physiology
- Abnormal macular morphology
- Abnormal male external genitalia morphology
- Abnormal male urethral meatus morphology
- Abnormal mandible morphology
- Abnormal mastoid morphology
- Abnormal metabolism
- Abnormal metaphysis morphology
- Abnormal metencephalon morphology
- Abnormal middle ear morphology
- Abnormal midface morphology
- Abnormal mitral valve physiology
- Abnormal morphology of female internal genitalia
- Abnormal muscle physiology
- Abnormal muscle tone
- Abnormal musculoskeletal physiology
- Abnormal myeloid leukocyte morphology
- Abnormal nail morphology
- Abnormal nephron morphology
- Abnormal nervous system morphology
- Abnormal nervous system physiology
- Abnormal number of teeth
- Abnormal optic disc morphology