Human Disease Ontology
771 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 501 to 550 of 771 Records | Page: 11 of 16, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- blood pressure
- blood protein disease
- blood vessel
- blood vessel infection
- bloodshot eye
- bloody diarrhea
- bloody sputum
- bloody stool
- blotchy red rash
- blue color blindness
- blue cone monochromacy
- blue drum syndrome
- blue toe syndrome
- blurred vision
- blurred vision with haloes
- bodily fluid
- body ache
- body dysmorphic disorder
- body of stomach
- body of uterus
- boil
- bone ameloblastoma
- bone angioendothelial sarcoma
- bone benign neoplasm
- bone cancer
- bone carcinoma
- bone chondrosarcoma
- bone conduction hyperacusis
- bone deterioration disease
- bone development disease
- bone disease
- bone element
- bone epithelioid hemangioma
- bone foramen
- bone fossa
- bone giant cell sarcoma
- bone giant cell tumor
- bone inflammation disease
- bone leiomyosarcoma
- bone lymphoma
- bone marrow
- bone marrow cancer
- bone marrow disease
- bone of appendage girdle complex
- bone of craniocervical region
- bone of dorsum
- bone of free limb or fin
- bone of hip region
- bone of jaw
- bone of lower jaw