Human Disease Ontology
699 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 501 to 550 of 699 Records | Page: 11 of 14, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- dilated cardiomyopathy 2A
- dilated cardiomyopathy 2B
- dilated cardiomyopathy 2C
- dilated cardiomyopathy 2D
- dilated cardiomyopathy 2E
- dilated cardiomyopathy 2F
- dilated cardiomyopathy 2G
- dilated cardiomyopathy-hypergonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome
- dilated pupil
- dill allergy
- dill food product
- dimethylglycine dehydrogenase deficiency
- diminished gag reflex
- diminished gastro-intestinal motility
- diminished spontaneous movement
- dioctophymiasis
- dioxo monocarboxylic acid
- dipetalonemiasis
- diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate
- diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate allergic asthma
- diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate allergic contact dermatitis
- diphthamide deficiency syndrome
- diphthamide deficiency syndrome 1
- diphthamide deficiency syndrome 2
- diphtheria
- diphtheritic cystitis
- diphtheritic peritonitis
- diphyllobothriasis
- diplegia of upper limb
- dipsogenic diabetes insipidus
- direct transmission
- dirofilariasis
- disabling pansclerotic morphea
- discharge
- discitis
- discoid lupus erythematosus of eyelid
- disconnected anatomical group
- discrete subaortic stenosis
- disease
- disease by infectious agent
- disease driver
- disease has basis in
- disease has feature
- disease has location
- disease of anatomical entity
- disease of cellular proliferation
- disease of mental health
- disease of metabolism
- disease relationship
- dislocation of ear ossicle