Human Disease Ontology
699 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 601 to 650 of 699 Records | Page: 13 of 14, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- dominant pericentral pigmentary retinopathy
- dominant_negative_variant
- dopa-responsive dystonia
- dopamine beta-hydroxylase deficiency
- dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome
- dorsal region element
- dorsal telencephalic commissure
- dothideomyceta
- double outlet right ventricle
- double pterygium
- double vision
- downstream_gene_variant
- downstream_transcript_variant
- dracunculiasis
- droopy ears
- droplet spread transmission
- dropped head syndrome
- drowsiness
- drug
- drug allergy
- drug dependence
- drug psychosis
- drug-induced hearing loss
- drug-induced hepatitis
- drug-induced lupus erythematosus
- drug-induced mental disorder
- dry beriberi
- dry cough
- dry eye syndrome
- dry hacking cough
- dry mouth
- dry mucous membrane
- duct
- duct epithelial cell
- duct of male reproductive system
- ductal carcinoma in situ
- dumping syndrome
- duodenal atresia
- duodenal benign neoplasm
- duodenal gastrinoma
- duodenal obstruction
- duodenal somatostatinoma
- duodenal ulcer
- duodenitis
- duodenogastric reflux
- duodenum
- duodenum adenocarcinoma
- duodenum adenoma
- duodenum cancer
- duodenum disease