Human Disease Ontology
56 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 56 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- dark urine
- darkening of skin
- deafness
- decreased appetite
- decreased conscious proprioception
- decreased facial sensation
- decreased flexor withdrawal reflex
- decreased jaw tone
- decreased metabolism
- decreased milk production
- decreased motor response
- decreased pharyngeal tone
- decreased sucking
- decreased tearing
- decreased tongue tone
- dehydration
- delayed milestones
- delayed psychomotor development
- delirium
- deltoid muscle weakness
- depression
- dermal abscess
- descending muscle paralysis
- diaphoresis
- diarrhea
- diffuse rash
- digestive system symptom
- dilated pupil
- diminished gag reflex
- diminished gastro-intestinal motility
- diminished spontaneous movement
- discharge
- disorientation
- disruptions of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle
- distended loops of intestines on rectal
- disturbance of skin sensation
- disturbances of sensation of smell and taste
- disturbed vision
- dizziness
- double vision
- droopy ears
- drowsiness
- dry cough
- dry hacking cough
- dry mouth
- dry mucous membrane
- dysarthria
- dysfunctions associated with arousal from sleep
- dysfunctions associated with sleep stages
- dyspareunia