Human Disease Ontology
439 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 251 to 300 of 439 Records | Page: 6 of 9, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- gestational diabetes insipidus
- gestational ovarian choriocarcinoma
- gestational trophoblastic neoplasm
- gestational uterine corpus choriocarcinoma
- giant axonal neuropathy 1
- giant axonal neuropathy 2
- giant cell glioblastoma
- giant cell reparative granuloma
- giant hemangioma
- giant papillary conjunctivitis
- giardiasis
- giddiness
- gingiva
- gingival disease
- gingival fibromatosis
- gingival fibromatosis 5
- gingival hypertrophy
- gingival overgrowth
- gingival recession
- gingivitis
- gland
- gland of diencephalon
- gland of digestive tract
- gland of integumental system
- gland of ocular region
- glanders
- glandular acinus
- glandular cystitis
- glandular epithelial cell
- glandular pattern ovarian yolk sac tumor
- glandular system
- glandular tularemia
- glandular-alveolar pattern testicular yolk sac tumor
- glans
- glans penis
- glans penis cancer
- glassy cell variant cervical adenosquamous carcinoma
- glaucoma
- glaucomatocyclitic crisis
- glaucomatous atrophy of optic disc
- glial cell
- glioblastoma
- glioblastoma classical subtype
- glioblastoma mesenchymal subtype
- glioblastoma neural subtype
- glioblastoma proneural subtype
- gliofibroma
- glioma susceptibility 1
- glioma susceptibility 2
- glioma susceptibility 3