Human Disease Ontology
72 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 72 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- hair loss
- hair shedding
- hair symptom
- hallucination
- hand weakness
- head and neck symptom
- head pressing
- head swelling
- head symptom
- headache
- heart failure
- hematemesis
- hematochezia
- hematogenous
- hematoma
- hematopoietic system symptom
- hematuria
- hemic and immune system symptom
- hemic system symptom
- hemiparesis
- hemodynamic instability
- hemolysis
- hemolytic anemia
- hemoptysis
- hemorrhage
- hemorrhage from throat
- hemorrhage into mucous membrane
- hemorrhage into skin
- hemorrhagic diarrhea
- hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
- hemorrhagic mediastinitis
- hepatic abscess
- hepatic dysfunction
- hepatic necrosis
- hepatitis
- hepatomegaly
- hepatosplenomegaly
- herpetic lesion on upper lip
- hiccough
- high blood pressure
- high fever
- hilar lymphadenitis
- hind limb paralysis
- hip pain
- hoarse voice
- hoarseness
- hopping
- hydrocephalus
- hyperactivity
- hyperalgesia