Human Disease Ontology
571 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 351 to 400 of 571 Records | Page: 8 of 12, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- lipid-rich carcinoma
- lipoadenoma
- lipoatrophic diabetes mellitus
- lipodystrophy
- lipofibromatosis-like neural tumor
- lipoid nephrosis
- lipoid proteinosis
- lipoma
- lipoma of colon
- lipoma of spermatic cord
- lipomatosis
- liposarcoma
- liposarcoma of bone
- liposarcoma of the ovary
- lissencephaly
- lissencephaly 1
- lissencephaly 10
- lissencephaly 3
- lissencephaly 4
- lissencephaly 5
- lissencephaly 6
- lissencephaly 7 with cerebellar hypoplasia
- lissencephaly 8
- lissencephaly 9 with complex brainstem malformation
- listeriosis
- listlessness
- livedoid vasculitis
- liver
- liver angiosarcoma
- liver benign neoplasm
- liver cancer
- liver carcinoma
- liver carcinoma in situ
- liver cirrhosis
- liver disease
- liver fibroma
- liver fibrosarcoma
- liver inflammation
- liver inflammatory pseudotumor
- liver leiomyoma
- liver leiomyosarcoma
- liver lipoma
- liver lymphoma
- liver rhabdomyosarcoma
- liver sarcoma
- liver symptom
- lobe of cerebral hemisphere
- lobomycosis
- lobular neoplasia
- localized anterior staphyloma