The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology
232 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 232 Records | Page: 1 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- D-aldohexose
- D-glucopyranose
- D-glucose
- D-glucose transmembrane transporter activity
- D-hexose
- DNA biosynthetic process
- DNA catabolic process
- DNA metabolic process
- DNA nuclease activity
- DNA transmembrane transporter activity
- DNA transport
- Damien Goutte-Gattat
- Danielle Scafidi
- Daphnia magna metabolite
- Daphnia metabolite
- David C. Blackburn
- David Osumi-Sutherland
- David P Hill
- Descemet's membrane
- Deuterostomia
- Dictyostelia
- Dictyosteliaceae
- Dictyosteliales
- Dictyostelium
- Dikarya
- Dinosauria
- Dipnotetrapodomorpha
- Discoba
- data about an ontology part
- data item
- database_cross_reference
- date
- date_retrieved
- death stage
- deep cervical artery
- deep to
- deep vasculature
- deep vein
- defecation
- defined class
- definition
- definitive spine
- definitive spine associated neuron
- dendritic
- denotator type
- dense connective tissue
- dense core granule
- dense core granule localization
- dense core granule maturation
- dense core granule membrane