The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology
231 terms(s) returned
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- hepatic vein
- hepaticobiliary system development
- hepaticobiliary system process
- hepatobiliary system
- hepatoblast
- hepatoblast apoptotic process
- hepatoblast differentiation
- hepatocyte
- hepatocyte apoptotic process
- hepatocyte differentiation
- hepatocyte homeostasis
- hepatopancreatic ampulla
- heteroarene
- heteroatomic molecular entity
- heterobicyclic compound
- heterochromatin
- heterocyclic compound
- heterodetic cyclic peptide
- heterogeneous tissue
- heteroorganic entity
- heteropolycyclic compound
- hexaradiate spicule rudiment
- hexose
- hexose biosynthetic process
- hexose catabolic process
- hexose metabolic process
- hexose transmembrane transport
- hexose transmembrane transporter activity
- high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
- hilus cell of ovary
- hindbrain
- hindbrain development
- hindbrain formation
- hindbrain marginal layer
- hindbrain maturation
- hindbrain morphogenesis
- hindbrain neural plate
- hindbrain nucleus
- hindbrain venous system
- hindbrain-spinal cord boundary
- hindbrain-spinal cord boundary formation
- hindgut
- hindgut
- hindgut contraction
- hindgut development
- hindgut morphogenesis
- hollow
- homeostasis of number of cells
- homeostatic process
- homology_grouping