The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology
93 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 93 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- 2-D shape
- 3-D shape
- acidophilic
- acinar
- anatomical histological quality
- anatomical structure quality
- anucleate
- attribute_slim
- basophilic
- biconcave
- binucleate
- branched
- branchiness
- cell_quality
- cellular potency
- cellular quality
- cellularity
- ciliatedness
- circular
- closed
- closure
- collagenous
- composition
- concave
- concavity
- contractile
- contractility
- convex 3-D shape
- curvature
- cylindrical
- dendritic
- disconnected
- disposition_slim
- distensibility
- distensible
- elastic
- elasticity
- elliptic
- euploid
- fenestrated
- fiber shaped
- flat
- flattened
- grooved
- haploid
- high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
- hollow
- invaginated
- laminar
- liquid configuration