Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology
47 terms(s) returned
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- Actaea racemosa root (whole)
- agency food product type
- aggregate fruit
- albacore and tuna
- albacore food product
- alcoholic beverage
- allium species
- almond (whole or parts)
- almond (whole)
- almond food product
- almond milk
- almond tree
- ancho pepper
- animal
- animal based refined or partially-refined food product
- animal body or body part
- animal food product
- animal lipid food product
- animal product sandwich
- animal product sausage
- animal seafood product
- apple (baked)
- apple (raw)
- apple (raw, sliced)
- apple (sliced)
- apple (whole or parts)
- apple (whole)
- apple (whole, raw)
- apple condiment
- apple food product
- apple pie filling
- apple preserve or jam food product
- apricot (whole or parts)
- apricot (whole)
- apricot (whole, raw)
- apricot food product
- apricot preserve or jam food product
- aquatic invertebrate
- aquatic invertebrate animal (excluding shellfish)
- ascomycetes
- aspartame-based sweetener
- avian animal
- avian egg food product
- avian food product
- avocado (whole)
- avocado (whole, raw)
- avocado food product