Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology
1125 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 501 to 550 of 1125 Records | Page: 11 of 23, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- chromogenic compound
- chromopeptide
- chromophore
- chromyl dichloride
- chrysanthemic acid
- chrysanthemol
- chrysin
- cigar smoking behavior
- cigarette smoking behavior
- cilastatin
- cilastatin(1-)
- cinnamic acids
- ciprofloxacin
- ciprofloxacin zwitterion
- ciprofloxacin(1+)
- circulatory organ
- circulatory system
- cis-1,2-dichloroethene
- cis-chlordane
- cis-chrysanthemic acid
- cis-octadec-9-ene
- cisplatin
- citalopram
- citronellal
- citronellol
- citrullus lanatus fruit food product
- citrus family
- citrus fruit (whole)
- citrus fruit (whole, raw)
- citrus fruit food product
- citrus honey
- citrus preserve or jam food product
- city
- clarithromycin
- clastic sedimentary rock
- clathrate compound
- clay
- clay dust
- cleaning agent
- cleaving embryo
- climate change
- climate system
- climbazole
- clindamycin
- clomazone
- clopidogrel
- closeMatch
- clothianidin
- clotrimazole
- cloud