Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology
132 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 132 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- vasculature of organ
- vasculature of trunk
- vasoconstrictor agent
- vasodilator agent
- vasodilator agent therapy
- vasopressin
- vegetable (raw)
- vegetable (whole or parts)
- vegetable (whole)
- vegetable based gravy or sauce food product
- vegetable corn food product
- vegetable fat food product
- vegetable fat or oil
- vegetable food product
- vegetable juice (us cfr)
- vegetable juice food product
- vegetable leaf (whole)
- vegetable oil food product
- vegetable or vegetable product (us cfr)
- vegetable-producing plant
- vegetable-producing plant, above-ground parts
- vegetable-producing plant, root, tuber or bulb
- vegetarian burger
- vegetarian food product
- vegetated area
- vegetation layer
- vegetative shoot apex
- vegetative shoot apical meristem
- venlafaxine
- verapamil
- vertebrate animal
- vertebrate animal food product
- very long-chain fatty acid
- very long-chain fatty acid anion
- vesicant
- vessel
- vibration process
- village biome
- vinclozolin
- vinyl acetate
- vinyl polymer macromolecule
- vinylarene
- virulence factor
- viscosity
- viscous
- viscus
- visible light radiation
- visible spectrum radiation
- visible spectrum stellar radiation
- visual indicator