EMBRACE Data and Methods
245 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 201 to 245 of 245 Records | Page: 5 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Multiple testing correction
- Musculoskeletal medicine
- Mutation ID
- Mutation annotation (basic)
- Mutation annotation (functional)
- Mutation annotation (prevalence)
- Mutation annotation (prognostic)
- Mutation identifier
- Mutation type
- mFLJ/mKIAA number
- maDMP
- markx0
- markx0 variant
- markx1
- markx10
- markx2
- markx3
- mase format
- match
- mdcrd
- medline
- mega
- mega variant
- mega-seq
- meganon
- meganon sequence format
- meme-motif
- mf
- mhd
- miRNA expression analysis
- miRNA target prediction
- mirGFF3
- mira
- mmCIF
- msf alignment format
- msh
- mspcrunch
- myGrid
- myGrid concept ID
- mzData
- mzIdentML
- mzML
- mzQuantML
- mzTab
- mzXML