Experimental Factor Ontology
1897 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 1897 Records | Page: 1 of 38, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- 2-3 finger cutaneous syndactyly
- 2-3 toe cutaneous syndactyly
- 2-3 toe syndactyly
- 3-4 finger osseus syndactyly
- 3-4 toe syndactyly
- 3-Methylglutaric aciduria
- 4-5 finger cutaneous syndactyly
- Abdominal colic
- Abdominal cramps
- Abdominal distention
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal symptom
- Abnormal EKG
- Abnormal abdomen morphology
- Abnormal adipose tissue morphology
- Abnormal anterior eye segment morphology
- Abnormal anterior fontanelle morphology
- Abnormal aortic morphology
- Abnormal aortic valve physiology
- Abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology
- Abnormal basal ganglia morphology
- Abnormal biliary tract morphology
- Abnormal bleeding
- Abnormal blistering of the skin
- Abnormal blood glucose concentration
- Abnormal blood ion concentration
- Abnormal blood phosphate concentration
- Abnormal blood sodium concentration
- Abnormal blood zinc concentration
- Abnormal bone structure
- Abnormal brain morphology
- Abnormal calvaria morphology
- Abnormal cardiac atrium morphology
- Abnormal cardiac septum morphology
- Abnormal cardiovascular system morphology
- Abnormal cardiovascular system physiology
- Abnormal cartilage collagen
- Abnormal caudate nucleus morphology
- Abnormal cellular phenotype
- Abnormal cellular physiology
- Abnormal central motor function
- Abnormal cerebellar vermis morphology
- Abnormal cerebral morphology
- Abnormal cerebral vascular morphology
- Abnormal cerebral white matter morphology
- Abnormal cerebrospinal fluid morphology
- Abnormal choroid morphology
- Abnormal chromosome morphology
- Abnormal ciliary motility
- Abnormal circulating adrenocorticotropin concentration