Human developmental anatomy, abstract
2761 terms(s) returned
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- anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- anterior spinal artery
- aortic arch
- aortic arch arteries
- aortic sac
- aortic system
- aortic valve
- aortic valve leaflet endocardium
- aortic valve leaflet mesenchyme
- aortico-pulmonary spiral septum
- aortico-pulmonary spiral septum endocardium
- aortico-pulmonary spiral septum mesenchyme
- aponeurosis
- apoptosing developing anatomical entity
- apoptosis fated cell
- appendage
- appendix
- appendix associated mesenchyme
- appendix epithelium
- aqueous humour
- arborising epithelial duct system
- archipallium
- archipallium mantle layer
- archipallium marginal layer
- archipallium ventricular layer
- arm
- arm muscle system
- arterial system
- artery
- arytenoid pre-cartilage condensation
- arytenoid swellings
- ascending aorta
- asexual organism
- astrocyte
- atlas cartilage condensation
- atlas pre-cartilage condensation
- atrial region
- atrioventicular pre-cushion mesenchyme
- atrioventricular canal
- atrioventricular canal region jelly
- atrioventricular cushion
- atrioventricular cushion endocardium
- atrioventricular cushion mesenchyme
- atrioventricular node
- atrioventricular region
- atrioventricular region endocardium
- atrioventricular region heart muscle
- atrioventricular valves
- attached_to
- atypical epithelium