Human developmental anatomy, abstract
2761 terms(s) returned
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- cerebellum roof plate
- cerebellum ventricular layer
- cerebral artery system
- cerebrospinal fluid
- cervical dorsal root ganglions C1-7
- cervical lateral migration pathway NC-derived mesenchyme
- cervical medial migration pathway NC-derived
- cervical mesenchyme from cervical neural crest
- cervical neural crest
- cervical segmental spinal nerves C1-7
- cervical sinus
- cervical skeleton
- cervical vertebral cartilage condensation group
- cervical vertebral pre-cartilage condensation group
- chitin-based structure
- choana
- chondroblast
- chondrocranium
- chondrocyte
- chorion
- chorion cytotrophoblast
- chorion lacunae
- chorion mesenchyme
- chorion syncytiotrophoblast
- chorionic cavity
- chorionic villus
- chorionic villus cytotrophoblast
- chorionic villus mesenchyme
- chorionic villus syncytiotropbalst
- ciliary parasympathetic ganglion
- circle of Willis arteries
- circulating cell
- cisterna chyli
- clavicle bone primordium
- clitoris
- clitoris epithelium
- clitoris mesenchyme
- cloaca
- cloacal epithelium
- cloacal fold
- cloacal fold epithelial component
- cloacal fold mesenchymal component
- cloacal lumen
- cloacal membrane
- cloacal membrane ectodermal component
- cloacal membrane endodermal component
- coccygeal skeleton
- coccygeal vertebral cartilage condensation CC1
- coccygeal vertebral cartilage condensation CC2
- coccygeal vertebral cartilage condensation CC3