Human developmental anatomy, abstract
2761 terms(s) returned
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- coccygeal vertebral cartilage condensation CC4
- coccygeal vertebral cartilage condensation group
- coccygeal vertebral pre-cartilage condensation CC1
- coccygeal vertebral pre-cartilage condensation CC2
- coccygeal vertebral pre-cartilage condensation CC3
- coccygeal vertebral pre-cartilage condensation CC4
- cochlear duct
- cocycgeal vertebral pre-cartilage condensation group
- coecum mesentery
- coeliac ganglion
- coeliac trunk
- coelomic cavity
- coelomic cavity lining
- coelomic cavity lumen
- collagen secreting cell
- columnar epithelium
- columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
- comment
- commisural plate
- common bile duct
- common cardinal vein left
- common cardinal vein right
- common carotid artery
- common hepatic artery
- common hepatic artery cystic branch
- common hepatic artery gastroduodenal branch
- compound organ
- compound organ component
- conceptus
- conducting muscle tissue
- connecting stalk
- connecting stalk blood islands
- connecting stalk blood vessels
- connecting stalk mesenchyme
- connective tissue cell
- conus cordis
- conus medullaris
- copula
- copula associared mesenchyme
- copula epithelium
- cornea
- cornea posterior epithelium
- cornea surface epithelium
- corneal stroma mesenchyme
- coronary artery left
- coronary artery right
- coronary sinus
- costal pre-cartilage condensation 01
- costal pre-cartilage condensation 02
- costal pre-cartilage condensation 03