Human developmental anatomy, abstract
40 terms(s) returned
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- gall bladder
- gall bladder primordium
- ganglion
- gastrocnemius
- gastrosplenic ligament
- gender-specific anatomical structure
- geniculate ganglion
- genioglossus
- genital tubercle
- genital tubercle epithelium
- genital tubercle mesenchyme
- germ cell
- germ line cell
- gland
- glandular system
- glial cell
- glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
- globus pallidus externus
- glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
- glossopharyngeal IX ganglion inferior ganglion
- glossopharyngeal IX ganglion superior ganglion
- glossopharyngeal IX nerve
- glossopharyngeal neural crest
- gluteal muscle mass
- gonadal ridge
- gonadal ridge mesothelium
- gonadal ridge primordial germ cells
- gonadal vein
- gonochoristic organism
- great cardiac vein
- greater omentum
- greater sac
- greater sac cavity
- greater sac lining
- groove
- gut epithelium
- gut mesentery
- gut mesothelium
- gut region
- gut tissues