Environment Ontology
434 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 434 Records | Page: 1 of 9, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Simpson Desert Region
- Socotran Archipelago Ecoregion
- Solar radiation
- Somali Montane Xeric Woodland Ecoregion
- Succulent Karoo Ecoregion
- Superfund site
- sabkha
- sacred site
- saddle dam
- safe environment
- safe environment for human presence
- safe environment for living organisms
- sake brewery
- salicylate enriched soil
- saline aerosol environment
- saline environment
- saline evaporation pond
- saline hydrographic feature
- saline lake
- saline lake sediment
- saline marsh
- saline pan
- saline sediment environment
- saline shrimp pond water
- saline water
- saline water aquarium
- saline water body
- saline water environment
- saline wedge estuary
- saline wetland
- saliva material
- salt contaminated soil
- salt dome
- salt glacier
- salt mass
- salt material
- salt spring
- sand
- sand pit quarry
- sandstone
- sandur
- sandy beach
- sandy building floor
- sandy clay
- sandy clay loam
- sandy desert
- sandy loam
- sandy sediment
- saprolite
- sapropelic kerogen