Environment Ontology
4538 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 4538 Records | Page: 1 of 91, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- 1,4-dioxane contaminated sludge
- Afrotropical Ecoregion
- Albany Thicket ecoregion
- Aldabra Island Xeric Scrub Ecoregion
- Antarctic front
- Arctic front
- Australasia Ecoregion
- Bailey bridge
- Bathymodiolus gill tissue material
- Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel bed
- Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel reef
- Bondon cheese environment
- Calyptra habitat
- Carnarvon Xeric Shrublands Ecoregion
- Central Ranges Xeric Shrub Ecoregion
- Drakensberg Alti-Montane Grassland and Woodland ecoregion
- Drakensberg Montane Grassland, Woodland, and Forest ecoregion
- East Saharan Montane Xeric Woodland Ecoregion
- EnvO-Lite-GSC
- Eritrean Coastal Desert Ecoregion
- Ethiopian Xeric Grasslands and Shrublands Ecoregion
- Gibson Desert Ecoregion
- Great Victoria Desert Ecoregion
- Haber-Bosch process
- Highveld Grassland ecoregion
- Hill sphere
- Hobyo Grassland and Shrubland Ecoregion
- IUCN habitat/species management area
- IUCN national park
- IUCN natural monument or feature
- IUCN protected area with sustainable use of natural resources
- IUCN protected landscape/seascape
- IUCN strict nature reserve
- IUCN wilderness area
- Ile Europa and Bassas da India Ecoregion
- India ink
- Indo-Malay Ecoregion
- Kaaba
- Kalahari Xeric Savanna Ecoregion
- Kaokoveld Desert Ecoregion
- Karman vortex street
- L-(+)-tartrate enriched soil
- Lagrangian point
- Lowland Fynbos and Renosterveld ecoregion
- Madagascar Spiny Thickets Ecoregion
- Madagascar Succulent Woodlands Ecoregion
- Masai Xeric Grasslands and Shrublands Ecoregion
- Mohorovicic discontinuity
- Montane Fynbos and Renosterveld ecoregion
- NMDC PlantAssociated broad scale value set